For every $100 donation we will send you an autographed hardcover copy of our book, Until Death Do You Part: A Story of Faith, Hope and Love - Ten Years Later. Please use promo code JNSBooks in your donation and make sure that you submit your correct shipping address. These prints take a while longer to print and ship so please be patient with your delivery.
In 2014 Jeff Coulter nearly died in a head on crash and after complications from that crash nearly died and went to Hell. Jeff was a backslidden Christian for over 22 years at the time of his near death experience. Through a life of alcoholism, chronic depression and suicidal thoughts, God gave Jeff a second chance. Through it all his loving wife Suzanne was there by his side. This is their story of what Jeff saw in Hell and of how God has used Jeff and Suzanne's experinece to start JNS Ministries and be a living witness for all to see and the lives that they have touched 10 years later... Order Now!
"If ever there is a perfect day it is this day. A day of early dawn and golden sunshine. A solemn figure standing at the Griffith Observatory, overlooking the city. From nowhere and from eternity. As he looks at the rising sun, he communes with the Father in reverent silence. Looking down at the city where he will walk among us, he notices his hands. Looking at them and rolling them over to reveal his palms, he lightly clinches his fists. Though eternity is limitless and boundless, the sensation is humbling. Looking at the brightening sky, he utters a whispering prayer, "Father, thy will be done." Order Now!
As cops it’s sometimes difficult to maintain a positive outlook on life. You’re dealt every negative aspect that life has to offer, even on the inside of the
Thin Blue Line.
As Christians our stance in life is much the same. We can fold and not serve God, or we can take a stand and walk by faith. It’s also a code and a brotherhood. A brotherhood of God’s children. It can be equated as
The Thin Blue Cross. Order Now!
For a group of scientists their Christian faith is put to the ultimate test. Going back in time to find the true meaning of faith in Christ. For Dr. Graham Parker his journey takes him back to the Crucifixion. For his assistant Raj his journey is the beginning of time itself.
All Christians have come to a crossroads in their faith. Though this is a science fiction-based story the lesson in faith is still the same. We must look no further than our own hearts according to God’s word. The character’s in this story use outlandish fictional means to search for a deeper understanding of faith. In the real world we often search for the meaning of faith in our Pastor, church members, or a mate. The reality is that we must look no further than the scriptures. It is there hidden in plane site from yesterday past and ages to come.
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1 KJV Order Now!
The Christian Experience answers some of the questions most people ask about what it means to be a Christian. What do I have to do? Where do I start? What should I expect? Why should I go to church? Can I trust people in church? Why is there so much suffering in the world?
There are two camps that will be discussed in this book while discussing Christianity: “The Milk and the Meat of the Word.” If you aren’t familiar with the expression “The Milk,” it represents new or ‘baby’ Christians who are just starting out in their relationship with Christ and need to feed on “The Milk” of the Bible. “The Meat” represents the mature Christians who are established in their relationship with Christ and feed on “The Meat” of the Bible which is its deeper meaning.
The walk with Christ can be confusing for new Christians and mature Christians can become complacent or even misguided. Our goal in writing The Christian Experience is to discuss the different aspects of Christianity, to provide learning and to create introspect for the reader. It is not intended to offend anyone or represent the absolute authority of what we as the authors feel is the only and absolute path to Christianity.
On that note if you are offended by a topic in this book then it is probably speaking to your heart. Take a knee and examine your walk with Christ.
All aspects of The Christian Experience are biblically based and meant to encourage new Christians and at the same time edify mature Christians. Though this book cannot possibly cover everything, this will help you focus on a few rudimentary and a few in-depth topics and hopefully give you a more insightful perspective to help with your personal walk of faith.
As with all aspects of the Bible and our walk with Christ we should follow Paul’s word to Timothy.
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” II Timothy 2:15. KJV Order Now!
Little Jeffery is a collection of short, faith-based children's stories, from manners to losing a friend to cancer, as seen through the eyes of a small child. "Jesus love me, this I know..." Order Now!
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